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You say we grew apart
I know you must be right

All we have been through
You blame me and I blame you

Remember all the talks we used to have
Now is nothing more than fresh flowers on a grave

Now we share a past to seal our future
Building a wall made with our own human nature

I want to leave you behind, locked in a box of old memories
But our bond cannot be split, as we are an army surrounded by enemies

I could never forget you, even if I win this human race
No matter how many cracks and scars are hiding in my face

I look at this picture of us on my wall
Together we stood; and so we will never fall


I hope you can understand, and even more importantly feel what I was doing here with the picture, and words.
Please watch in Full view - there are small secrets hiding in the trunk. Infra Red Shot. Tel Aviv, Israel.

Dedicated to the wonderful :iconyaelsela: that I love so much.
Her prespective on life, on art.
Her big heart and understanding.
It's her on my mind when i get this deep into my work.
She challanges me to dig deeper in myself, and she does it just by being there.
So my dear ~YaelSela I thank you for being there.
:heart: G
Image size
660x950px 419 KB
Shutter Speed
10/25 second
Focal Length
10 mm
Date Taken
Jan 26, 2006, 3:47:51 PM
© 2006 - 2024 gilad
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